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Antiguo 10/01/2005, 17:04   #1
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
Post Season & Wce

Me gustaría que aquí No se hiciesen preguntas,sino que nos sirviese a Todos para plasmar exclusivamente lo que vamos obteniendo del manejo y funciones que este programa nos ofrece.

Podríamos tratar de hacer entre Todos un manual,tanto del hard como del Soft.
Con el Hard tenemos varias Season,que no creo que sean compatibles entre ellas,a ciencia cierta,por ahora,tenemos dos,la Season 2 y la MReloaded loader & Season,que es la que uso yo en estos momentos.

Tal como se vé está configurada para ser usada como Season,no como Loader de la MReloaded por la posición de los switch´s.La normal season 2 difiere con esta tecnicamente en un sólo componente (diodo schotty,por un 7407) y que la season 2 tiene un modo más de funcionamiento, el de monitor,que en nuestro caso no usamos.

Personalmente ,mi configuración de com 115.200 8 N 1 N y alimentada por la MReloaded.

Y esta es una Season 2

En ella podemos observar que usa jumper´s para seleccionar la alimentación,y el modo de uso.Y que lleva un smard card,para el monitoreo entre las card´s y el deco

Esquema básico de la Season

JP1 cerrado Emulador ,abierto Monitor
1 DCD pin 1 DB9 COM
2 RXD pin 2 " "
3 TXD pin 3 " "
4 GND pin 5 " "
5 VCC Entrada de tensión externa o interna si la tomamos del VCC del SC1 a través del pin 1 de la Smard card llevándola a la salida 3 del U3 78L05

La Season 2,la podéis conseguir cuasi en cualquier suministrador de los habituales,la mia y más modelos en [url][/url] .
KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV


Última edición por Luis pelox; 05/02/2005 a las 11:43.
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Antiguo 10/01/2005, 17:08   #2
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
Comandos del WCE

Valid command´s are:

´ ´: show current channel info

n : update and save key files

r : manual reset

m : select ECM or Ecs-mode

s : toggle SA-hunt timer

a : toggle SA-hunt auto incr.

i : SA-hunt increase SA

q : stop wce

t : toggle on/off to show ECM details

Esc : Clear the sreen

x : extend menu/commands

c : toggle system (eurocrypt,seca,.......)

d : toggle debug , 4 different values

l : toggle on/off to main log file

u : toggle on/off to update log file

z : toggle serial debug, 4 values

?/h : show help menu

Tendremos que traducirlos y ENTENDER cuál es la función de cada cual.

Mejor idea lo que sea interesante lo iré añadiendo.
KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV


Última edición por Luis pelox; 10/01/2005 a las 18:05.
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Antiguo 15/01/2005, 16:06   #3
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
Wce is a emulating program using a season interface and your pc to decode various encryptions using "normal" cams.
Best operating system for your pc for use with WCE is win2000 or newer.
Some parts of the program will also work on older systems,
but encryption switching in conax cam will most likely not work on win98 or win95 !!

To get WCE going, some files are needed.

1) WCE.exe
2) wincardemu.ini
3) eckeys.dat
4) irdeto.dat
5) seca.dat
6) viaccess.dat
7) conax.dat

What WCE can do for you

If you use a conax-cam, WCE can decrypt Conax, Nagra, Irdeto, Betacrypt, Viaccess, TPScrypt and seca.
(not all versions of conax-cams will work for all encryptions,
4.0 cam and embedded conax receivers like Force or Samsung decode all)

In an Irdeto-freecam 2.020 (or Humax 5400) you can decode the same encryptions like in conax-cam 4.0.
(older versions of Freecam (like 2.018) might not support all encryptions)
In a Viaccess cam WCE does decrypt Viaccess channels only (no TPScrypt).
In a seca (Aston) cam, you can only decode seca channels.
Other cams, like MR, Icecrypt, Matrix, joker, etc are neither tested nor supported and may or may not work using WCE.

Most important to get WCE to decode anything are the correct settings in wincardemu.ini.
(and of course the use of valid keys in the .dat files also helps a lot).

If you plan to use WCE in a conax-cam, you have to select defaultmode=1 (conax),
regardless of what type of encryption you want to decode with your conax-cam.
The line defaultconaxmode has to be set to the system you want to decode
(Example: if you want to decode Nagra, defaultconaxmode=n (Nagra)).
As you are using a conax-cam, the settings for com-port and baud-rate and parity for [Conax]
are the only ones you have to have correct for your equipment!!!

Example :when you use com1 on your pc and embedded conax on a force 1133 you need :
Other cams will need different baud rates and/or parity.
To switch to a different encryption while WCE is running,
press "x" on your keyboard, then enter the encryption you want to decode
(0=beta 1702,2=beta 1722, 6=beta 1762, n=nagra, c=conax, v=viaccess, i=irdeto, s=seca)
and press "enter", then press "x" and "enter" again to get the logging back to your screen.

(Attention, this switching off encryptions will only work, if you use at least win2000 on your pc!!)
If you are using win98 or older, you can only switch encryption before you start Wce by choosing a different defaultconaxmode !!

When you want to use an Irdeto-freecam 2.020(or Humax5400), you first of all have to select defaultmode=4 (Irdeto).
The setting of defaultconaxmode is not important. The switching between encryptions in an Irdeto-freecam is automatic.
IMPORTANT : make sure you select the correct "Goodies" settings in your freecam menu.
These settings are working perfect in Freecam 2.020 for all decodable encryptions:
Debug = OFF
Emu = OFF
TPScrypt = ON
As you are using a Irdeto-cam, the settings for com-port and baud-rate and parity for [Irdeto]
are the only ones you have to have correct for your equipment!!!
Example :when you use com2 on your pc and a freecam 2.020 you need :
parity= none
Some versions of freecam might need different baud rates depending on age, hardware inside and PC used.
(mine is working perfect with 9600 baud)

When you use a seca-mediaguard cam (aston), you have to select defaultmode=3 (seca).
No other system are decodable with seca-cam.
As you are using a seca-cam only the settings of com-port and baud rate for [Seca] are important.
Example :when using com3 on your pc and an aston 1.05 cam you need :
I have no idea if other seca-cams or embedded seca in some receivers might need different settings.

When you use a viaccess-cam or a viaccess embedded receiver, defaultmode=1 is needed.
No other systems are decodable using a viaccess-cam.
As you are using a viaccess-cam, only the settings of com-port and baudrate for [Viaccess] are important.
Example : when you use com1 on your pc and embedded via on force 1133 you need :
Real viaccess-cams will need different baudrates and/or parity.

You can edit the .dat files with any editor you like (notepad is fine) no special Linux-editor needed.
Edit your keys before you start WCE !!
Seca-keys belong in seca.dat, viaccess-keys belong in viaccess.dat, etc.
Important !! Nagra-keys have to be in irdeto.dat !!!

Start WCE by double-clicking on the EXE file.
Then start your receiver or reset your cam.
(It might also work the other way around sometimes, but it is not recommended to do so).

This is a "hobby-project", so WCE is never finished and will be improved in time.
But there are also no guarantees whatsoever for that, or that the program will work on every receiver/cam combination on the market.

There are NO complete and valid key-files included in WCE, update the keys yourself...

WCE is intentionally NOT auto-updating for Nagra and Conax.

Valid data provided it could auto update Viaccess (in a viaccess-cam only),
Irdeto/Betacrypt (both in Conax- and Irdeto-cam) and Seca (only tested in seca-cam).

By Gunnar.
KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV


Última edición por Luis pelox; 15/01/2005 a las 16:09.
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Antiguo 15/01/2005, 21:56   #4
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
Un par de apuntes más :

1) If using a aston cam 1.03 remove the #

# atr=3b f7 11 00 01 40 96 54 30 04 0e 6c b6 d6


2) If pc to slow (or w98) use the ** debug without the #

# default debug modes (hex)
# initial value on start, and up to 4 values that can be toggled
# debug = initial deb1 deb2 deb3 deb4
debug = ff 01 03 07 ff
#debug = 01 01 03 07 ff **

# default serial port debug modes
# syntax as for debug
serdebug = 03 01 03 07 ff
# serdebug = 01 01 03 07 ff **
Esto último sí lo he probado,lo que hace es que el prg. funcione más desahogado al no loggear en absoluto en la pantalla del mismo.
KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV

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Antiguo 16/01/2005, 01:16   #5
Usuario Activo
Fecha de ingreso: 12/feb/2003
Mensajes: 144
jatame está en el buen camino
Bueno os pongo unas imagenes del onechip season usando una vieja piccard2:

Por el lado de los componentes

Por las pistas

Listo para usar

Tengo tambien uno con el mismo formato pero usando el max232 con sus cuatro condensadores, si alguien quiere verlo no tiene mas que pedirlo
jatame está desconectado
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Antiguo 16/01/2005, 01:55   #6
Usuario Activo
Fecha de ingreso: 12/feb/2003
Mensajes: 144
jatame está en el buen camino
Oído cocina

El Pinlist
Part Pad Net
16F876 1 RST
20 VCC
27 CLK
28 IO
LED1 A N$1
MC1489 1 RST
4 IO
6 RX
8 IO
10 TX
14 VCC
R1 1 N$1
3 RX
5 TX

El esquema

y el pcb

Espero que quede claro. Lo hice con el eagle y no lo manejo bien aun
jatame está desconectado
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Antiguo 18/01/2005, 23:52   #7
Usuario Activo
Fecha de ingreso: 12/feb/2003
Mensajes: 144
jatame está en el buen camino

El esquema es el del que has pegado en el manual que" ESTAMOS " haciendo (sin zocalo para smartcard y con el interuptor de escritura cerrado)

PD editado estas NO, ESTAMOS

Última edición por Luis pelox; 19/01/2005 a las 06:07.
jatame está desconectado
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Antiguo 20/01/2005, 18:05   #8
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
No estoy muy de acuerdo con el uso del 1N4148(se debería usar un BAT 41) ,pero uno más, muy gráfico sobre la construcción y cableado.

KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV


Última edición por Luis pelox; 20/01/2005 a las 18:10.
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Antiguo 23/01/2005, 23:47   #9
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
Y otro más con el 7407 en vez del diodo BAT 41

KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV

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Antiguo 05/02/2005, 01:43   #10
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
1ª pruebas con adaptadores USB a COM

Pues como pica el "gusanillo" y encima me animais a ello,pues eso.

Con algún "problemilla" en el "arranque" ya sabemos aquello de que las señales se desfasarán un poco y nos costará configurar y aprender a arracar el sistema,[B]conseguido[/B]

Con qué,pues a ello vamos,fabricante [url][/url] ,elmodelo en concreto que he usado,lo tenía en el "armario" guardado,es el [B]USB-2COM[/B] como podeis ver es uno doble,pero si interiormente llevan los "sencillos" lo mismo,podrian servir todos o algunos de los modelos de la marca.
Interiormente lleva circuiteria por duplicado con los tipicos FTDI y con más hardware (varios chipis más por duplicado,más un controlador a la entrada del USB y hasta tres clock´s) que serán los que nos posibiliten que la línea de DCD esté activa y nos sirva para indicar el [B]reset[/B] al programa.

Por los test realizados hasta el momento,manda .....,una vez conseguido el "arranque del sistema" es más estable que con el com,comprobado esto último en los providers de seca2,viaccess,etc.......quién lo entiende ,pero como dice la 1ª Ley del Murphy "si funciona no toques

Seguiremos con la "saga"
KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV


Última edición por Luis pelox; 05/02/2005 a las 11:54.
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Antiguo 06/02/2005, 01:58   #11
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
Help de WCE.

Wce is a emulating program using a season interface and your pc to decode various encryptions using "normal" cams.
Best operating system for your pc for use with WCE is win2000 or newer.
Some parts of the program will also work on older systems,
but encryption switching in conax cam will most likely not work on win98 or win95 !!

To get WCE going, some files are needed.

1) WCE<version>.exe
2) wincardemu.ini
3) eckeys.dat
4) irdeto.dat
5) seca.dat
6) viaccess.dat
7) conax.dat

What WCE can do for you

If you use a conax-cam, WCE can decrypt Conax, Nagra, Irdeto, Betacrypt, Viaccess, TPScrypt and seca.
(not all versions of conax-cams will work for all encryptions,
4.0 cam and embedded conax receivers like Force or Samsung decode all)

In an Irdeto-freecam 2.020 (or Humax 5400) you can decode the same encryptions like in conax-cam 4.0.
(older versions of Freecam (like 2.018) might not support all encryptions)
In a Viaccess cam WCE does decrypt Viaccess channels only (no TPScrypt).
In a seca (Aston) cam, you can only decode seca channels.
Other cams, like MR, Icecrypt, Matrix, joker, etc are neither tested nor supported and may or may not work using WCE.

Most important to get WCE to decode anything are the correct settings in wincardemu.ini.
(and of course the use of valid keys in the .dat files also helps a lot).

If you plan to use WCE in a conax-cam, you have to select defaultmode=2 (conax),
regardless of what type of encryption you want to decode with your conax-cam.
The line defaultconaxmode has to be set to the system you want to decode
(Example: if you want to decode Nagra, defaultconaxmode=n (Nagra)).
As you are using a conax-cam, the settings for com-port and baud-rate and parity for [Conax]
are the only ones you have to have correct for your equipment!!!

Example :when you use com1 on your pc and embedded conax on a force 1133 you need :
Other cams will need different baud rates and/or parity.
To switch to a different encryption while WCE is running,
press "x" on your keyboard, then enter the encryption you want to decode
(0=beta 1702,2=beta 1722, 6=beta 1762, n=nagra, c=conax, v=viaccess, i=irdeto, s=seca)
and press "enter", then press "x" and "enter" again to get the logging back to your screen.

(Attention, this switching off encryptions will only work, if you use at least win2000 on your pc!!)
If you are using win98 or older, you can only switch encryption before you start Wce by choosing a different defaultconaxmode !!

When you want to use an Irdeto-freecam 2.020(or Humax5400), you first of all have to select defaultmode=4 (Irdeto).
The setting of defaultconaxmode is not important. The switching between encryptions in an Irdeto-freecam is automatic.
IMPORTANT : make sure you select the correct "Goodies" settings in your freecam menu.
These settings are working perfect in Freecam 2.020 for all decodable encryptions:
Debug = OFF
Emu = OFF
TPScrypt = ON
As you are using a Irdeto-cam, the settings for com-port and baud-rate and parity for [Irdeto]
are the only ones you have to have correct for your equipment!!!
Example :when you use com2 on your pc and a freecam 2.020 you need :
parity= none
Some versions of freecam might need different baud rates depending on age, hardware inside and PC used.
(mine is working perfect with 9600 baud)

When you use a seca-mediaguard cam (aston), you have to select defaultmode=3 (seca).
No other system are decodable with seca-cam.
As you are using a seca-cam only the settings of com-port and baud rate for [Seca] are important.
Example :when using com3 on your pc and an aston 1.05 cam you need :
I have no idea if other seca-cams or embedded seca in some receivers might need different settings.

When you use a viaccess-cam or a viaccess embedded receiver, defaultmode=1 is needed.
No other systems are decodable using a viaccess-cam.
As you are using a viaccess-cam, only the settings of com-port and baudrate for [Viaccess] are important.
Example : when you use com1 on your pc and embedded via on force 1133 you need :
Real viaccess-cams will need different baudrates and/or parity.

You can edit the .dat files with any editor you like (notepad is fine) no special Linux-editor needed.
Edit your keys before you start WCE !!
Seca-keys belong in seca.dat, viaccess-keys belong in viaccess.dat, etc.
Important !! Nagra-keys have to be in irdeto.dat !!!

Start WCE by double-clicking on the EXE file.
Then start your receiver or reset your cam.
(It might also work the other way around sometimes, but it is not recommended to do so).

This is a "hobby-project", so WCE is never finished and will be improved in time.
But there are also no guarantees whatsoever for that, or that the program will work on every receiver/cam combination on the market.

There are NO complete and valid key-files included in WCE, update the keys yourself...

WCE is intentionally NOT auto-updating for Nagra and Conax.

Valid data provided it could auto update Viaccess (in a viaccess-cam only),
Irdeto/Betacrypt (both in Conax- and Irdeto-cam) and Seca (only tested in seca-cam).
KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV


Última edición por Luis pelox; 06/02/2005 a las 01:59.
Luis pelox está desconectado
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Antiguo 07/02/2005, 11:38   #12
Luis pelox
Moderador seasonero
Avatar de Luis pelox
Fecha de ingreso: 06/feb/2004
Mensajes: 2.323
Luis pelox ha deshabilitado la reputación
Hago Copy-paste de lo último con el conversor USB a COM
Condiciones de trabajo.

PC P III 450 with W98 SE.
Converter USB-2COM from [url][/url]
MReloaded Loader & Season from [url][/url]
Kaon 570 & MReloaded 1.170

Virtual COM configuration ,9600 Even 1 8 Hardware
Los más importantes "setting´s",para que el programa trabaje lo más desahogado posible.

# defaultmode: 0=Eurocrypt, 1=Viaccess, 2=Conax, 3=Seca, 4=Irdeto, 5=Videoguard

# Default is off (a Force don't like it being on)
# default debug modes (hex)
# initial value on start, and up to 4 values that can be toggled
# debug = initial deb1 deb2 deb3 deb4
debug = 01 01 03 07 ff

# default serial port debug modes
# syntax as for debug
serdebug = 01 01 03 07 ff

Bueno pues con lo anterior,ya podemos olvidarnos de que si hay que arrancar el deco después ,que si antes,que si con la season dentro,le dá completamente igual,a los 30 segundos (+ o -) el WCE arranca y las flores en pantalla.Testeado en todos los providers de seca.

Una vez arrancado el WCE,si queremos loggear,cmd " d " (debugg) y cuando subimos al 3º valor (hay 4 , arrancamos desde 01,03,07 hasta ff) ya nos muestra el loggeo en pantalla.

KA*N 570
H/W V12.01.A5
S/W V13.05.02
Load V6.1.8v2 (Gryeti),now 2.1.9v4 Fuck BootLoader.
W XP SP2 & Linux varios.
MReloaded & платина
TE21smd Cas+ MReloaded Loader & Season
1 mtr. Offset in Usals MotSat2
73 & DX on SATTV


Última edición por Luis pelox; 14/02/2005 a las 17:56.
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!! ADVERTENCIAS !!: Las informaciones aquí publicadas NO CONTIENEN KEYS para la decodificación de ningún sistema: NO SON OPERATIVOS en sistemas SAT que precisen de su correspondiente suscripción.



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